Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Customers Meet, South India Corporation, Chennai Branch

High quality customer service is one of the most important deliverables in our company.

One of the ways in which we do this is regular customer meets. Recently, our Taro Pumps dealer, South India Corporation organised a wonderful customer meet in Kailayapuram. Our Chennai branch helped in this event which brought together twenty valuable customers.

Taro Pumps sales manager conducting customers meet

During the 1-hour session, we achieved a few big aims! The new dealer was introduced to the customers, product range information was shared, and some super-useful tips on maintenance were also given to the customers.

Taro Pumps sales manager conducting customers meet

The meet gave customers the opportunity to clarify their queries. Taro looks forward to more demand for the V6 series now!

Taro Pumps sales manager conducting customers meet