Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Customers Meet, Sri Ganesa Give and Take Corporation, Trichy Sales Office

Feedback works! And it works best in regular customer meets that we organise all over India.

The Trichy Sales Office of Taro Pumps organised a customer meet under the aegis of Sri Ganesa Give and Take Corporation, our dealer. It was a wonderful experience to interact with twenty-five customers in Thiruvarur in a session that lasted for more than an hour.

Amongst other things, the session saw the team imparting information on the the dealer, company, 5 Ticks, maintenance tips, and the importance of selecting Taro accessories. R.Sivamani and Somasundaram have been using Taro Pumps for five and eight years respectively. They also have four and two pumps each and were appreciative of the trouble-free performance of the same. Thank you, customers!