Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet, Bombay Electricals, Chennai

Taro Pumps brings together its highly valued mechanics for meets very regularly.

Bombay Electricals, one of our dealers, organised a wonderful meet which saw thirty-five participants come together for a very productive day. Our Chennai Sales Office helped in the successful conduct of the two-and-a-half-hour long session in Chidambaram.

Taro Pumps manager explaining Taro Pumps products to mechanics

The meet saw the participants getting valuable information on the company history, product range, 5 Ticks, and TCT programme. Chinna Durai, with work experience of forty-five years, has installed more than 500 Taro pumpsets. And because they are trouble-free, he recommends Taro Pumps with confidence to his customers. Products like a 1 HP water pump go a long way in keeping customers happy and we are delighted that mechanics recommend Taro Pumps consistently.