Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet: Rohan Enterprises, Bangalore

A three-hour meet for mechanics was conducted under the aegis of our Bangalore Sales Office and brought together fifty-five participants.

One of our pumps dealer, Rohan Enterprises, helped conduct the meeting in Channasandra and took the mechanics through useful information such as Taro 5 Ticks, social media, TCT programme, and product range. We also have a vast collection of monoblock pumps that is part of our product range which also includes jet pumps.

Taro Pumps manager explaining Taro Pumps products to mechanics

Yathiraj, one of the participating mechanics, talked about the quality of Taro Pumps, the usefulness of the 2-year warranty, and the great performance of models such as TP4. We are able to deliver dependable service support, because of the high quality of products. Overall, the mechanics were happy and we were, as always, happy to interact with mechanics.