Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet, Siddhanath Machinery And Borewell, Hubli Sales Office

The mechanics meet conducted under the aegis of our Hubli Sales Office brought together more than fifty-five participants at Aaland.

Our dealer, Siddhanath Machinery And Borewell helped conduct the meet that took the mechanics through an introduction to the dealer, 5 Ticks, UR & URC awareness, & market conditions.

We also gave the participants information on TW6 and addressed service pain points. Check out more information on new products such as the TSP 2. It was specially amazing to hear from Tukaram, and Suresh Shidabanar who each have ten years of experience. They were appreciative of the performance of Taro pumps and recommend our brand to customers. It is always fabulous to get validation of our work from mechanics - thank you!