Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet, Sree Jai Agencies, Bangalore

The mechanics meet conducted under the aegis of our Bangalore Sales Office brought together five participants at Pochampalli.

Our dealer, Sree Jai Agencies, helped conduct the meet that took the mechanics through an introduction to the company history, 5 Ticks, TCT programme, and product range too. We also gave the participants information on other products such as open well pumpsets, and monoblock pumps. Check out more information on new products like the TSP 2. The meet gave us the opportunity to grow our network of fantastic mechanics.

Taro Pumps manager conducting mechanics meet

It was great to hear from Prithivraj, a participant with fifteen years work experience. He was impressed by our TCT programme, product performance, and said that customers were happy to buy Taro Pumps. It is always fabulous to get validation of our work as pump manufacturers from mechanics - thank you!