Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet, Sri Srinivasa Engineering, Hyderabad Branch

Very recently, Taro Pumps dealer Sri Srinivasa Engineering, conducted a mini meet in Kurnool for mechanics.

Our Hyderabad Branch provided support and imparted lots of useful information to the 10 mechanics who attended the meet. Amongst other things, the participants came to know more about the company’s history, the vision for the near future, services, new products, and service tips.

Taro Pumps sales manager conducting mechanics meet

It was really encouraging to note the feedback received from mechanics on the signature Taro quality, warranty, service facility, etc.

Taro Pumps sales manager conducting mechanics meet

We have also noted the feedback received on availability of spares and other products. Technical discussions on pain points and safety precautions were also carried out.

Taro Pumps team and mechanics group photo