Texmo Industries Est. 1956

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Field showing drip irrigation pipes

Posted On 27/05/2021 in Soil & Water

Drip Irrigation - Making Each Drop Count

If you think of a field getting watered, more often than not, the image that pops right up is a hose spraying water over acres and acres of crops.

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Droplet of water over a water body

Posted On 18/05/2021 in Soil & Water

No Water. No Life. No Blue. No Green.

She is a marine biologist and Time Magazine’s first Hero of the planet and among many other things, has also brought the importance of water to the fore yet again, by saying, “No Water. No Life. No Blue. No Green.”

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A table with vegetables

Posted On 01/04/2021 in Farming Types

How to (and why) Start an Organic Farm?

With more and more people looking for healthier options when it comes to the food they eat, it does make sense to invest time & energy into healthier farming practices. And one such practice or system is organic farming.

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Tractor in a field

Posted On 25/03/2021 in Technology

Agritech Industry in India

Just a while earlier, we delved into the exciting world of technology & how it is driving various developments in the farming space. It is almost inevitable that agriculture will continue to adopt technology to address and solve a large number of issues & pain points.

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A beaker of soil

Posted On 18/03/2021 in Soil & Water

What is Soil Testing & Why is it so Important?

Sure, there are a few techniques of farming that don’t need soil. There is aquaponics (or hydroponics) and aeroponics too. But they have quite a long way to go to catch up with traditional agriculture that is soil-dependent. It stands to logic, therefore, that as long as crops are being grown on soil, their health depends on soil health.

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