Taro Hub
It's slightly bewildering to hear Sudhakar K, Area Manager-Sales at Texmo Industries declare (rather proudly), “We don’t sell pumps."

Furthermore, he does so while standing outside the gorgeous Taro showroom on Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Imagine this - you are standing outside this showroom and you can see the glistening pumps lined up inside and you are told that they don’t sell pumps!
And when you look askance at Sudhakar, he smiles and says, “That’s right, we don’t sell pumps. We provide solutions.”
And then, everything falls into place in your mind as well.
A visit to a Taro Hub showroom is delightful, to say the least. The inviting green space, the neat and organised product displays, the intuitive and sincere sales team, nay, solution providers- everything works to create a pleasing and comforting impact on the customers.
Take the way the seating area has been arranged. People accompanying the product-purchaser can either walk around and look at the pumps on display or sit on the elegant benches and view the big screen showcasing Texmo’s heritage and modern achievements.

Product Displays
And then there is the product display itself - a few submersible pumps have been ‘dissected.' This allows the customer to get an inside look, quite literally, at the product they are going to bring home. Clarifications on the materials used, the design of the product and its functioning are detailed by the solution providers and supported by the cross-section view on display.
You then notice the muted but distinct colours of all products and also see that some of the display cases have a very vibrant pattern as ‘wallpapers’ too. And this brings you to another exceptional element in a Taro Hub; not only are the pumps coloured in green, grey or blue but their background wallpaper is also designed to highlight their purpose.
Green is for agriculture, grey for industrial and blue for domestic-use pumps. The signature patterned panels behind each collection reflect the same categories. Green leaves and whorls represent the fields nurtured by hard-working farmers. Exhaust fans and factory-like buildings feature in the grey wallpaper. The blue wallpaper has windows and floral motifs.
Decision Time
At this stage, you are probably wondering why a traditional manufacturing company invests such a high level of thought into design. The answer lies in a simple facet of customer-provider interaction: purchase decision time.

When a visitor to the store is given all relevant information, as efficiently as possible, they make a more informed decision, quickly.
So, whether it is the well-organised product displays or the solution providers using the Taro Hub program, it is all about the availability of the right information and not wasting the customers’ precious time.
Which brings us to the Taro Hub
The Taro Hub program hinges on information collection, and analysis, and providing the right solution. More importantly, it walks a balanced line between machine-man interaction. And so, while a hand-held tablet collects data, the solution providers in Taro stores also ask farmers and other customers relevant questions, including the kind of soil they work with and the crops they want to grow.
The result of this program is that the customer gets the most suitable solutions from the Taro Team within a few minutes. And, they can discuss the same and fine-tune their selections even more.

And when you come away from a Taro store, you know they are right when they say, “We don’t sell pumps.” Taro builds relationships and communication channels that keep you happy!