World Water Day 2025
For most of us, a water tower is simply a super-tall man-made structure or a tank in our neighbourhood that supplies water to our homes & buildings. But the term ‘water tower’ takes on a new dimension when you look at it in the natural world. And this is where we start the narrative of glaciers, and World Water Day.
Water towers
Think of a mountain glacier as a gigantic water tower provided by Mother Nature. This water is released when the weather gets warmer and runs ‘downstream’ to the entire world. A glacier is a massive block of floating ice and snow. They gain mass with snow precipitation and lose mass with evaporation, and climate change. Today, the health of glaciers has become a vital point of debate because they are the source of water – a resource which humankind needs. The importance of glaciers is the reason why they are the theme of World Water Day 2025.
Why are we talking about it?
For Texmo Industries, and our pumps sold under the brand name Taro Pumps, water is the very lifeblood of business. Our customers, mostly farmers, rely on Taro Pumps to facilitate better irrigation to their fields. And only when farmers produce the right quantity, and quality of crops, can the rest of the population enjoy a healthy life. Taking water from Nature so that farmers can put it to good use is important. And so is putting water back into the ground with the right methods of treatment.
Just as Kisan Diwas is important for our customers, we must think of the importance of World Water Day too for it talks about the resource that gives us, and our customers our livelihood.
World Water Day 2025
Since 1993, 22 March has been designated as World Water Day. Every year, this day centres around a powerful theme. Here are a few themes from past years:
1995: Women and Water
2000: Water for the 21st Century
2006: Water & Culture
2012: Water & Food Security
2020: Water & Climate Change

2025 focuses on Glacier Preservation. Perhaps this is of even greater significance because the world is currently watching the movement of A23a, the mega-berg which has broken free after decades. Glaciers melt – that's a given but when they melt too quickly, the meltwater flow causes several issues:
Disruptions to water flow
Unexpected floods
Rise in sea levels
Coastal storms and erosion
Disturbance in the balance of marine life
It therefore becomes important for communities and the eco-system to focus on glacier preservation. Meltwater is crucial to industry, production of energy, agriculture, and to people everywhere. When this supply of water is uncertain in any manner, then it impacts people all over the planet. The imbalance caused by meltwater disruptions can cause floods in some parts of the world, and droughts in others.
What can we do?
Many of us may not have seen a glacier but knowing the importance they have for humankind; we could perhaps make our own commitments to better water practices this World Water Day. From practicing water conservation to spreading awareness about water – we can do whatever it takes to preserve a resource that is sustaining us in more ways than one.
There are 78 water towers in the world.
2016 World Water Day saw the International Labour Organization and United Nations working together for the theme ‘Better Water, Better Jobs’.