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Posted On 26/01/2022 in Farming Types , Sustainability
Natural Farming in India
When Masanobu Fukuoka wrote his book, The One-Straw Revolution way back in 1975, little did he know that the world would go back to natural farming in such a significant way. This book went beyond agriculture and looked at a more holistic picture and key components such as the following became associated with natural farming.
Read MorePosted On 12/11/2021 in Farming Types , Sustainability
Agriculture has developed, transformed and expanded in multifarious ways. Some of these changes have helped sustain different kinds of practices for decades and some of these changes are new. One such fairly new change has been the advent and growth of agroforestry.
Read MorePosted On 22/10/2021 in Farming Types , Sustainability
Permaculture Farming
In almost every walk of life, principles such as sustainability, holism and eco-friendliness are inspiring people to make big changes in lifestyle. The agriculture sector, in quite a few ways, has embraced these tenets in more ways than one.
Read MorePosted On 23/07/2021 in Farming Types , Sustainability
Sustainable Agriculture
The word ‘sustainable’ has multiple definitions and can be placed in multiple contexts as well. Today’s world, filled with multiple challenges, has started talking about sustainability in a wonderful way. Simply put, sustainability is all about helping our home (Planet Earth) continue in its ability to support life.
Read MorePosted On 06/04/2020 in Farming Types , People in Agriculture , Sustainability
One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka
Masanobu Fukuoka was 25 years old when he found his calling: he believed that a system of natural farming could bring great benefit to the world. When we read One Straw Revolution, we could draw parallels between the lives of Masanobu Fukuoka and our founder, Mr. R. Ramaswamy. Both of them were committed to making a difference to the world.
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