Centrifugal Monobloc Pumps are a popular type of water pumps used in India. They are characterized by a common motor and pump shaft and the pump casing is bolted to the front cover of the motor. They are the undisputed choice in numerous agriculture and domestic applications
Performance and Features
- Suitable for pumping water up to a head of 93 m
- Discharge capacity up to 3900 lpm
- Designed for wide voltage operation – 180 to 240 Volts for single phase, 350 to 440 Volts for three phase
- Shielded ball bearings that withstand temperatures up to 155 deg C
- Good suction lift characteristics
- Motors with Class 'A'/ 'B' / 'F' insulation
- Low watt loss stampings used in motors
- High grade enameled copper wire
- Vacuum impregnation treated / Trickle impregnation
- Inbuilt thermal overload protector for all single phase pumps
- Dynamically balanced rotating parts to minimize vibrations

Monobloc pumps, used for agriculture, are typically designed for three phase power. These pumps cater to the varied needs of the customer and are available in optimized combinations of discharge and head. The discharge capacity of these pumps can be as high as 3900 lpm.
7 Models Available

Monobloc pumps, used for domestic applications, are typically designed for single phase power. As compared to the agriculture pumps, these deliver lesser discharge (up to 600 lpm) and usually pump water for heads up to 37 m.
14 Models Available
20 Models Available