Collaboration – Across the Board
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”, said Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. He also said, "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
Every organisation knows that people are its biggest core strength. At Texmo Industries, we believe that everybody has an individual brand or strength and when they put this strength into a team, everybody becomes stronger.
We have over 2100 people working to sustain the brand value of Taro Pumps. Engineers, researchers, quality experts, IT professionals, salespeople, accountants, office staff, designers, productivity pundits, technicians, customer service team, and so many more work really hard to keep things ticking along smoothly.
And the best part is that none of them work in silos! Whether it is a young apprentice or the head of a department, Team Texmo believes firmly in cross-team collaboration. And we would love to tell you more about this.

Our three largest teams are the manufacturing team, the foundry engineering team, and the customer satisfaction team. While we do everything we can to get our manufacturing processes correct, we believe that it has to be supported with high-quality customer service as well. And that is precisely why these three teams are the largest.
Every team in Texmo Industries works with cutting collaborative tools such as old-fashioned meetings (yes, they are one of the most productive ways in which we get things done), and digital tools such as Slack, and Trello to name just a few. We also have set up an internal file-sharing mechanism that keeps the team moving along on a definite path.
There is also the crucial aspect of inter-team collaboration. The supply chain people communicate with customer care professionals. The product development team has to work in close association with the project facilitation team and so on. When such inter-team members sit down together, they work with tried and tested methods of OKR (Objectives and Key Results), KPI (key performance indicator), and cross-functional learning sessions.
These learning sessions enable people to understand how other teams work. We love mentoring programs as well. When it comes to intra- and inter-team work, we know that it is like building and nurturing a relationship – time, communication, and sincerity of purpose is not just the only way forward but also the only successful way forward.
#taropumps #texmoindustries #taroforlife #betterbycollaboration