Redesigning Taro Stores
Decades of experience in the manufacturing industry has taught us the importance of keeping up with changing requirements. A few decades ago, it was standard for pump manufacturers and sellers to have a physical brick and mortar store that was not designed to be customer friendly. A customer had to ask for a product, and then the seller would take some time to retrieve it from some shelf in their warehouse / back-of-the-store. Often, these transactions would be conducted across a broad counter which put a lot of space, literally & figuratively, between the customers and the sellers.
Texmo Industries started off as a network of such outlets. But very quickly, we realised that:
We did not want space between our customers and us
Store layout is of paramount importance even for pump manufacturers & sellers
And that’s why we embarked on a mammoth redesign of Taro Stores in the year 2018.
Our approach
We realised that we must create Taro Stores that are truly inviting. Customers must feel encouraged to not only walk into our stores but also:
Get a direct look at & feel of our products
Enjoy a comfortable, clean, and information-filled space
Feel welcome
Keeping all the above factors in mind, we began our redesigning journey with our dealer Selvam Agencies in Coimbatore. Selvam Agencies is one of the oldest dealers in our network and has enriched our journey tremendously ever since they joined the Texmo Industries family. And so, in February 2019, Selvam Agencies opened its redesigned space to customers. The function was conducted with great enthusiasm indeed.
Selvam Agencies went from this... this

Benefits of redesigning our spaces
As a leading brand, Taro Pumps embodies customer-friendliness in many ways. Our stores needed to reflect this ethos. So, when a customer enters our stores, they are greeted by signature colours, furniture, product displays, and personnel who are trained to make the customer feel welcome and put them at ease. And most importantly, a team that can answer all questions from the customers too.
Product display was another key factor for us. We wanted customers to not only look at the actual product but also touch and experience the same. Our shelves were designed so that our agricultural, domestic, and industrial pumps were displayed with matching patterned papers too.
Making our brand front and centre was critical too. Brand colours and graphic elements of Taro Pumps now occupy pride of place in our stores. There is a cohesiveness amongst our digital presence and our physical outlets, thanks to the redesigning efforts that we have undertaken in the recent past.
We did not want to get limited to merely ‘lifting’ our store with a change in a few graphical elements. We have also added digital screens to display informative, and entertaining content. We wanted to completely overhaul our stores to evolve with the times, and the changing needs of our customers.
The result of our comprehensive design project is that more than 130 outlets (and counting) have been transformed into patently positive spaces. And customers have let us know their appreciation too. And that alone is worth all the investments of time, energy, ideas, and money that we are putting into creating the new Taro Stores.